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H O W   T O   C O N T R I B U T E
  1. Download the membership form. The form is in PDF format.

  2. Place the form, as well as your payment, in an envelope and send it to: ​


                   2380 Old US 33
                   Shade, OH  45776​​



    Submit this form to the Corresponding Secretary (cash payment for membership is fine if you are paying in person)​.
   3. Sit back, relax, and wait for the first newsletter!

Become a Member

Other Ways to Contribute

In addition to continuing as, or becoming, a member of the Shade Community Center Association, there are two ways that you can support the organization, without extra cost to you. These are the Kroger Rewards program and the AmazonSmile rewards program. During 2017, 11 households enrolled with the Kroger Rewards program, which generated about $70 per quarter for the SCCA. 


Kroger Rewards

To enroll and to designate your rewards to be donated to the SCCA: 

  1. Go to

  2. Click on "Community," then "Kroger Community Rewards." 

  3. Sign in to your account. 

  4. Select "Enroll Now," then "Enroll." 
    Note: If you do not have a Kroger account/Kroger Plus Shopper’s Card, then you need to create one.

  5. Type "Shade Community Center" in the search box and click "Search." 

  6. Select the bullet for the "Shade Community Center Association" and "Enroll." 


AmazonSmile Rewards

If you order items from Amazon now, the only difference is that you sign in to instead of to order. 


To use:

  1. Go to

  2. Sign in with your email and password as you normally do. 

  3. You will see that they have so-called "spotlight charities." To have your donation go to the SCCA, type "Shade Community Center" in the "Or Pick Your Own Charitable Organization" box. 

  4. Select the "Shade Community Center Association" (which is listed for Athens, Ohio).

  5. Start shopping as usual. 


Thanks for your support. 


- Gail Jordan, 2018 SCCA Corresponding Secretary

2380 Old U.S. 33, Shade, Ohio

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